Plastics Extrusion Facilities
PLASTIC EXTRUSION FACILITIES All the extruded plastic parts of our projects are being produced by our solution partner in Bursa, with the alternating materials such as; PC, PVC, POM, PP etc.
Copyright © 2011 idea otomotive Tüm hakları saklıdır.
Plastics Extrusion Facilities - Luggage Rack, Bus, minibus, air channel, trim, interior, citybus, service set, reading light, automotive, idea otomotiv, aluminium profile, Mould, ABS Vacuum Thermoform, Led Light, Ceiling Light, Ceiling Illumination, Light Channel Luggage Rack, Bus, minibus, air channel, trim, interior, citybus, service set, reading light, automotive, idea otomotiv, aluminium profile, Mould, ABS Vacuum Thermoform, Led Light, Ceiling Light, Ceiling Illumination, Light Channel luggage, rack, bus, minibus, air, channel, trim, interior, citybus, service, set, reading, light, automotive, idea, otomotiv, aluminium, profile, mould, abs, vacuum, thermoform, led, ceiling, illumination